Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I'm home! It's such a great feeling!
I'd tell you the whole horrible process of coming home, but... I don't feel like reliving the horrible details. I guess you could say it is comparable to child birth. The process is painful, long, and at time annoying and you become impatient, but the END IS SO WORTH IT!!!

I'm so happy to be with my man.
And yes. I DID highlight my hair. It's a big orangey, but I'll fix it later today.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

GOODBYE KUWAIT!! (for...ev...er)

This is Jen & Joy.
We didn't really like you anyway.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Last Friday.

Well, Today was fun. Woke up, stood in the FREEZING COLD to hear the turn over ceremony that SUCKED from 8-830. Then from 9-945 was the award ceremony. At which point I went inside. I slept til lunch, then slept til muster at 1600. Marks told me I did a good job as a third class, stepping up. But then I realized that I was the ONLY third class. HaHa.

Later Jen and I hung out, I ironed my uniform, and then we went to KFC. We shared a meal and we shared a dessert. It was so much fun. We took pictures of us in front of silly things. And I pretended I'm a gangster. It was good times.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Last Thursday.

So, I wake up at 7am to go to breakfast with Jen, but I realize that I honestly don't feel like it. I talk to Sean for a bit and then take a quick nap til 845 and walk over with my 100 lb. storm case to the barracks where they were picking all of them up.

I get in trouble for just standing around and not helping put them all on the truck even though I'm the only girl and they had about 20 guys doing it. They honestly didn't need me and I would have just taken forever anyway. So, I walk away because I wasn't required to be there.

I go to OS1 Marks' barracks and ask him what all the fuss was about with being there for muster at 9am since it was now 920 and he was still in his PJ's in his rack. He tells me nothing. Just that we had to meet at 1pm for inspection of our storm cases and at 2pm we had a muster for watch.

I was relieved that I didn't have anything to do, so I went to my rack and slept until 1200, ate lunch, and then walked over to where we were having our storm cases inspected. Jen was bored so she joined me. I had to clean it, inside and out, and then have the box inventoried. After I was done, Jen went to help me carry the box to the loading area. I picked up the box and started to walk backwards with it while Jen grabbed the other end and I didn't take two steps backward when I fell back over a 2x4 that was sticking out about a foot off the ground about 3 feet across from the table/shelf thing that the case had been on.


Oh it hurt. It STILL hurts. It bled a little. I fell back on my hand and I must have fallen on a big rock because my hand hurts almost as bad as my leg and 100 lb. box fell on it. As I was falling, I was thinking, "OH NO! I'm going to break my ankle only a few days before I get home?!" But, God's angels must have been around me, because I'm fine. In a bit of pain, but I'm fine.

So, Jen and I went to medical where they argued over how to clean the wound, and then since I was feeling dizzy he made me lay down when all I wanted to do was go to my bed and sleep. Then, a coast guard dude made me laugh by sticking non-stick gauze to the door.

I went to my rack and Jen and I hung out. We started doing this thing where we sit in my rack and chill on our computers together. We watched some 30 Rock, and part of StepBrothers (AMAZING MOVIE!). Went to supper. Then I had to type up a recall sheet for Chief Stolebarger.

Since then, we've been back here, sitting on my bed with some hot chocolate and white chocolate mocoa and watched the rest of StepBrothers.

I'm tired now.

Tomorrow is our Award Ceremony/Turn Over Ceremony. Basically the last big thing before we leave. I'm so friggin excited. You have NO IDEA!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Last Wednesday.

Today, I had nothing really.

Warrior Transition was at noon. That's where they tell us what to expect when we get back to the U.S. And how to act. And how to treat ourselves and our families. That anger, depression, and alcohol abuse are the three top problems with military returning to America after deployment. It was basic and pretty much everything I already knew.

At 2pm, we had to muster because we still have watches. Some of our new reliefs put our weapons in the ready to fire position, which is NOT okay. And another almost shot someone in the face with a flare gun... THEREFORE, we must still stand watches. We should be done, but we're not.

Our Watch Supervisor told us today at muster that tomorrow we turn in our storm cases. That has all of our tactical gear in it, and our attack gear. Meaning we SHOULDN'T be standing more watches because you're supposed to bring your gear with you to watch. But apparently that doesn't mean much.

Jen and I went to the beauty parlor and got our legs waxed. Then, we showered to get all the goo off our legs. Then we went to go eat supper.

I got told that I was beautiful by some guy. I'd never seen him before, but he said he'd seen me "around". Then, he followed us after supper with his buddy and said "You wanna go watch a movie?" Jen and I were like "No Thanks." I freaked out. I didn't leave my room the rest of the night. It was CREEPY! And the funny thing is, Jen and I were talking about it, Jen gets hit on by good looking, normal guys. I get hit on by creepy weird guys. It's horrible.

Anyway, so then, Jen and I spent the next 3-4 hours on my bed interneting it up.

I miss Sean. I just want to go home.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Last Tuesday

Today was alright. I'm just glad it's over.

I studied. I ironed my uniform. I studied. I ate breakfast. I studied. I went to the hadji mart with Jen. I studied. I ate lunch. I studied. I took my board. I failed. So... that was that. I went to my watch muster, and I had the day off. It was a good thing too, because I totally felt like crying. It was awful. I just hate failing. Plus the two guys that I took the board with passed and I didn't.

I went back and talked to Jen and she said she felt just as bad as I did because she felt she should have helped me study more. So, all my friends said they'd help me when we got back to America to help me study more.

So, Jen and Angie and I had a little pow wow afterward and we spent some quality girl time talking about stuff and things. Girl things. It was fun to have girl talk! I'm so glad I have girl friends to spend time with!

I talked to Sean online pretty much all day. But he was in a bad mood due to people being stupid, which is everywhere in the Navy, but some days it's more apparent than others. I wanted to make him feel better but you really can't do much from so far away. And I really didn't have too many updates because I talk to him so much that when I have something to say, I say it right away, so when we just sit around talking, sometimes I'm pretty quiet. (I KNOW, imagine. Me quiet? Ha ha.)

I went to "Coffee Night" with the boat people. It was Rhian, Jen, Angie, Maxwell, Norris, and two other guys I forget their names, and ME! I didn't drink any because the coffee here makes me sick, maybe it's the water they use or something because Jen and Angie don't feel very well afterward either. I sat with them for probably about 15-20 minutes before I started getting bored. All those guys work in the boats, so I don't know them well, and I feel awkward sitting around with them for too long because I don't get their jokes and they talk about people I don't know, with inside jokes I don't know. But it's nice to feel included. I'm not included with anything the guys I work with do. So maybe I'll just transfer to the boats! jk :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Last Monday.

I'm in bed.
I have to do laundry.
I have to study.

I'm so nervous!

I got today and tomorrow off... I just hope I pass! I'm going to study tonight and tomorrow morning and hopefully I'll pass. I'm supposed to be at the laundry room right now, but we did this drill, so I think I might not be allowed to leave my room until they make an announcement.

Blerg. I'm hungry. Supper isn't for another hour and 15 min.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Last Sunday.


I'm not necessarily a tortured soul but I just feel so crazy here! I really don't want to be here ANY LONGER.

Today we had a Safety Standdown. That's where we sit in a room, while people tell us to be safe. (Hence the name.) We "learned" about Driving in Winter, Drinking and Driving, Hunting Safety, Suicide Prevention, and Motorcycle Safety. All very exciting topics, I must say. (sarcasm.)

Then, I came back to my little cubicle area and cleaned, moved, packed, and sorted my things. I moved my bed around, I packed the things I don't think I will use before the week is up, and I sorted the things I want to keep, I want to give away, and throw away.

My room looks like this (picture time!):

The Outside.
I had gotten a "Happy Halloween" poster from a Soldiers' Angel and put it up. I never took it down. It's like every holiday in here anyway, Christmas ornaments hang from the ceiling, Mardi Gras beads are hung up too! :)

My Lockers.
Boring... Just the Lockers. The rugs were there when we got here. The floor is concrete, so it's nice to have rugs. The red one I wish I could keep.

My Bed
Nothing too exciting there either, just the bed.

That's about it.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Last Saturday.

Last Saturday in Kuwait.
Seriously. Today wasn't all that bad. I was awakened by a loud knocking/pounding on the door. I thought to myself that it must have been part of my dream so I rolled over. After hearing it a second time, I realized that it was real and probably for me. I found out that we had to go to a brief at 9am about watch standing back at the building. The brief was fine except when the soon-to-be, new CO said that as far as uniforms go, when we're sitting on the quarterdeck (for our 4 hour watches) when have to wear the same thing. Therefore, if I'm sitting with a big ol' fat dude who NEVER gets cold, but I'm freezing, I have to freeze and NOT wear my coat because the big guy is sweating. I was NOT okay with this, but oh well. I'll figure something out.

Afterward, Jen and I went and got ourselves a couple White Chocolate Mochas. I don't know why I get coffee; it always makes me sick. But it tastes so good, that I get them anyway.

We walked around until lunch time, after which I showed her the miracle of blogspot.com! She made a couple and we put some together. So now we both update a couple new blogs! LOL! (You can find them on my profile.)

I found out I don't have watch today around 2pm. So we went back and worked on our blogs some more. Then, we decided to get our fleece's embroidered. We walked on over to the Hadji Shop and looked at the patches. Since we couldn't decide on anything, we moved on to the purse shop. Good thing I hadn't brought my Visa, or I might have bought YET ANOTHER PURSE! I don't know what it is about cheap/fake brand name purses. They are my weakness. We walked around a bit more and then went back to PCB 123.

On the way back, we decided that for my welcome home party on the 20th, we're going to have PIMP Cups. So we made one for all 4 of us!
Jen - Lil Jen
Brad - B-Rad
Sean - Mac
Joy - J-Reezy

We are so excited! I can't wait.

We ate dinner and we've been spending all day on the internet in my bed, reading over each others shoulders, chit chatting, talking about going home. I got my hair trimmed after my shower because the back was starting to look mullet-ish.

Around 8:10pm, we got a phone call about karaoke. We showed up and ROCKED THE HOUSE! We sang Pat Benetar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot, Madonna - Like A Prayer, and Guns 'N' Roses - Sweet Child Of Mine. We got a 98 on the last one. That was the highest score of the night, so I left and came back to my computer to find that my man had set up our new TV Entertaiment stand! It looks fabulous!

Check out http://soontobemcnamara.blogspot.com to see pictures. I love it! And I honestly can't wait to get home and decorate! That place needs a woman's touch!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Our Reliefs are here. They were checking out our berthing to see if they could stay in here. I would TOTALLY take 2 extra people in our little cubicle as long as I get to leave as planned!


I was looking through wedding rental stuff... there's some really awesome stuff there too! I can't wait to go home and start helping planning my wedding!

Monday, December 1, 2008

SO SOON! and yet, so not.

I'm going to work in a half hour. I found out that (HOPEFULLY) by the end of the week we should be relieved and not have to work anymore. All this means is that we'll have to do work here on packing up all of our things, going through customs, etc.
I can't wait to come home. Sean's been in a bad mood lately and I can't fix it.
I passed my watch supervisor board. So now I'm watch supervisor qualified, but the still have me sitting in a mount all day. BORING.
I bought Sean's Christmas gifts, but I hate waiting to give them to him, so he knows what they are. I even TRIED to keep one a secret but the put right on the outside of the box what it is. Sad. Oh well, I know he'll like them. We're pretty tight on money this year, so they aren't very big presents, just some things to keep my baby happy!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I don't feel like writing.

Ugh. I look like crap. I feel like crap. I'm cranky all the time. Deployment CAN'T be good for a person. I feel myself getting old.... wrinkles are coming in from all the stress.

19 days. This feels like torture.

I remember about a month ago, a buddy of mine who was leaving deployment early was saying that HE was down to 18 days and I was telling him that he had NO RIGHT to complain because we still had like 50 days or something... welp! Now I know how he feels.

I hate it here.
It is horrible.

Friday, November 21, 2008


  • To get home and hug my man. I'm going to hug him for maybe 20 or 30 minutes. And I'm going to tell him not to let go until I'm ready.
  • To organize: Clothes, Shoes, Files, Makeup/Beauty Products, Kitchen, Bathroom, DVD's, etc.
  • To Clean MY NEW HOUSE.
  • To meet my new neighbors.
  • To HANG OUT WITH MY FRIENDS at places that don't include: The MWR, The MWR Tent, The pool, the px, the hadji mart, the DFAC, the COW, the MOC, etc.
  • To sleep in a REAL bed. Not a bunk bed.
  • To be able to WEAR makeup and not feel weird.
  • To be able to shower in my OWN bathroom, and not in front of a bunch of people.
  • To be able to go to the mall, or target, or walmart (and not online).
  • To be able to turn the lights on in my room.
  • To talk as loud as I want to in my room and not get yelled at because the people next to me have to wake up soon for work.
  • To GET AWAY FROM ALL THESE PEOPLE I SEE EVERY DAY! (besides my closest friends, you know who you are!)
  • To be able to see my man EVERY DAY!

Going Home

Oh that sounds so good right now!
I just want to GO HOME! haha.

Sean has been doing SO MUCH for the house! I'm so excited to see everything he's done! The pictures keep coming in and EVERYTHING looks so great!

23 days!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

32 Days.

I was told that our reliefs are here. The Advanced Team is anyway... I keep telling myself that 30 days is going to go by so fast. December CAN'T be far away.

Sean is home. Buying crazy things from Lowes... Things that don't make sense to me, of course he won't inform me of any of the ongoings in our new home, he likes to surprise me... and then there's my side. I HATE SURPRISES! I hate GIVING surprises. I hate GETTING surprises. So, not knowing what is going on in the house is friggin torture. This was his list from Lowes:
Nails,bolts, washers, a door lock, step stool, spackle, scraper, paintbrush, crowbar, extension cords, and sand paper

He put a down payment on a.... BLACK LAB!! We have our Maverick! (We decided back in February of last year to get a black lab named Maverick. I found out through one of my Watch Officers that she was going to be getting a chocolate lab and that there were some black, yellow, and chocolate labs available through one of Sean's Chief's Neighbors... SO! Sean got a call and went over there. They'll be available Dec 24th! JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! I'm so excited to see little Maverick in person! MAVERICK THE WONDER DOG!! :)

Speaking of Dogs: I was telling a guy I work with about our pet plans and how I want a Teacup Yorkie and he told me that his sister's neighbor breeds Yorkies, that the neighbors dog is having puppies that will be available about the time we get back, and that he's already getting one for his girlfriend and he could get one for me too!!! It sounds WAY too good to be true, but if it IS that would be FABULOUSO times a trillion!

Onto more serious news, I didn't pass my Watch Supervisor Board. It was this morning. I sat with my chief, Mrs. McAndrews, and a second class and basically they quizzed me for an hour. They said what was weird is that I got all the hard questions right, but the easy ones that I should have gotten I didn't. I guess I was so worried about all those difficult questions that I didn't study the easy ones. Oh well, I have to go in in 2 weeks and retake a mini-board for a half hour and they're just going to go over what I missed the first time.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I haven't decided whether it's a GOOD thing or not... but, I just got weighed. I'm down to 155 lbs. Which means I've lost 20 lbs. since I got here. Might be muscle since I haven't worked out since June. But either way, I don't know how I feel about it. I know that once you reach a certain age when a woman says she's lost weight normally it's good. I feel better, and I feel like I look better. So I guess that's all that matters. I'm eating healthier than I was back in the states. Fruits, Yogurts, Salads sometimes, instead of pot pies, breakfast at Hardees, and Pizza... Oh and all the beer. I feel much healthier. So, I guess it IS a good thing.

39 days.


I just really don't know how I feel. I'm hearing so many things from both sides. I wish I knew how I felt about it. Maybe someday soon I'll figure it out. And I really hope that the decision that I make is not made because of something bad happening.

After I found out, I thought about how my mom said about an hour before he won, "I'm pretty sure Obama is going to win, and I feel sad for our country about it." And I decided that this doesn't have to be a horrible thing.

So I prayed:
Dear Lord,
Please Bless Obama. Lead him to make the right decisions even if he doesn't credit you for them. Help him to do what's right, and help him to be a good president for our country. Protect him from Satan. Help him to not be corrupted. Protect him from being killed by the crazies in our country. I pray that you would help him to be a good president. And thank you for a country that lets us choose our own president.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Edit that last one

I found my ID. Well, Jen did. It was in my snack drawer... with the PopTarts I took from breakfast the last time I saw my ID.

Pills Pills Inhalers

So... They say I'm better. Not SIQ (Sick in Quarters) anymore. I still have all these pills I have to take, and I'm supposed to suck on this inhaler once every 4-6 hours. (Actually, my doc informed me that you aren't supposed to put it to your mouth, just hold it about 1-2 inches from your mouth.)
But, I still don't have an ID. WHICH MEANS that in an hour I'm going to head over to AJ and get a new ID. I just hope that I look halfway normal in this picture. The last picture I had NO CHIN, and TWO black eyes. It was horrible. I just showered and got all clean and I feel renewed!
Another note... It's POURING again... well I guess I'll have to take that back, it's not pouring, it's just raining. Which means I'll have to pull out that lovely old rain coat that they gave us. I never did think that I would actually use it. haha... I guess I should start getting ready!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

12 Hour Watches?

Not for this chick!
FIRST I get to have Bronchitis! YAY... or no.
I have been feeling ill all week, and now that Saturday has come, I have FINALLY gone to the doctor and they tell me I have mild, if not severe, Bronchitis. I have been having trouble breathing, and felt sick all day. So, now I know why. I just pray I get better soon!

Friday, October 31, 2008


starting 12 hour watches starting today. SO. that means i will be exhausted for the next two days.
please forgive me.

44 days, 14 hours, 46 minutes and 14 seconds

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


So, it's raining... well, at least it WAS and HAS BEEN for the last 4 days. Today it stormed so bad that the power went out and there was hail. It was CRAZY! haha :)
Sean is back home in Arizona, and he got his new phone and phone number. He's so excited about it! I sure do miss him! But the last few days that he's been gone haven't been horrible so i suppose that I'll survive until I see him again.
I've been resisting spending money on anything at all and I'm very proud of myself, I will be getting my credit card paid down significantly before I get back to America... at least in half!

The picture below:
My friend had to do a money transfer and for the location of the Western Union is says "Arifjan PX, Located in the middle of desert" haha!!! We laughed!

46 days, 0 hours, 14 minutes and 1 second

Monday, October 27, 2008

Some Notes.

  1. I want this dog when I get home.
  2. I may or may not have found Sean's dog. (His chief's dog had a couple chocolate lab puppies...)
  3. It's been RAINING.
  4. I miss Sean.
  5. A LOT!
  6. I hope time goes by fast.
  7. 48 days.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Day By Day

So, still working on being okay day by day. But I do have some good news. Sean is home safe. He's leaving Monday for Arizona. Also, I talked to my chief and he said that when we get back to America I'm going to be his "Admin Girl". Meaning I'll answer to him and only him. And I'm going to be doing admin work which I like. This is all good news! :)
I'm pretty excited about the plans. I just can't wait to go home! I went on Skype last night with Sean. We got to see each other and talk to each other a bit.

Monday, October 20, 2008

He's Leaving Me!!

I miss him already! He leaves tomorrow! It's so hard to know that I won't see him again for 2 months! TWO WHOLE MONTHS!!! UGH! We're sitting outside right now, reading through some baby names. We've come up with:
Hawk James
Paxton Bradley
Brody David


If you have any suggestions, they are always welcome!
so far anyway... I mean it's not like we even have any kids to name yet! Ha ha!

Sean is sitting next to me downloading some old Nintendo games for his computer. He keeps trying to get me to put them on my computer too, but here's the deal: I don't play computer games.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Man & I for 4 Days

Sean is here for 4 more days. I'll only be able to see him for like 2 though. I miss him already!
I've been working 12 hour watches the last few days. Noon to Midnight. ITS HORRIBLE!!! HOLY MOLY! I really dislike it. I haven't been sleeping very good either. Only getting 5 1/2 - 6 hours a night. And I know that might sound NORMAL, but for me, normal is 12 hours a night.
I'm loaning Sean my blackberry for when he gets back. I added him to my account so that we can just add a phone line to my account and have a family plan for us two. I'm kinda excited about it. It's like a new step in the direction of us being partners.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Days Left

64 days, 13 hours, 49 minutes and 23 seconds

I can't wait to go home. It's gonna be amazing! Switching to 12 hour days again... just for a few days, but it's still gonna suck.
Sean comes to my base in a couple days, so hopefully I'll get to see him without being too tired.
I started watching The O.C. It's so addicting yet predictable.
They took my "computer bed" out of our little cubicle that we sleep in. It turned out okay though. Now we have more room. Although we don't really NEED more room. We spend all day in bed so...
I started reading my Bible again. I'm glad I bought it online back in July. It has the daily chapters set up for you already, so you just look for the date and it has what you read all outlined with a daily devotion. So, I'm on... Day 4 or 5 I think.
I was having trouble eating, but I'm doing better now. I took my mom's advice and grabbed a bunch of little things I knew I could eat instead of going to the main line for things I'd likely not eat. I grab a couple pitas, some fruit, a salad, a yogurt, and milk or gatorade. It's been working out good so far. THANKS MOM!


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Do I look like a "Trixie"?

The names I could have been named:

  • Trixie
  • Bliss
  • Blythe
  • Carol
  • Crystal
  • Lacey
  • Tisha
  • Merry
  • Sachiko

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Shemagh Wrap is the NEW Do-Rag

I got a "Shemagh Wrap" and this is how it said you wear it. It's for out at where we work. The air is always really gross and dirty. So, I thought it might be healthy to get one of these.

I had a dream the other night that my teeth were falling out. After reading some dream interpretations on the internet, I feel like it has to do with all the changes that are coming up in my life soon, as well as the financial problems this country seems to be going through. I feel like I'm growing up and I think I'm just afraid of messing up. I want to live a good normal life, and I think I've been worried lately that I'm not going to live up to my parent's and societies expectations. I'm worried about so many things. And the fact that this country's economy is going down the drain doesn't really help ease my mind at all. I'm so worried that I'm never going to get my credit card paid off... That I'm never going to live the life I want to live, or that I'm going to fail at being financially capable. I don't know. I'm just all messed up in the head... LOLz...

But, I've decided that I will be fine. I will do alright. I have a good head on my shoulders, and I've made it this far. I always find a way to make sure everything works out alright.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Seeing Sean.

So today on watch, I got to spend some time with my man. He came and hung out with IT1 Whiting and myself. We watched Scrubs, Monty Python & The Holy Grail, and The Office. I would say that it was an eventful 8 hours. We had such a good time. I found out some things that I never knew about Sean before. Ha ha. It was a good time. We even had a good breakfast; French Toast and Turkey Sausage!!! Yum! I miss him so much! And I hate that I forget sometimes. I get so caught up in staying here and sleeping, and working, and sleeping, and working... that I forget that I have an AMAZING MAN here too. We talked about a lot of things. When we want to have kids, how we're going to decorate the house, what we're going to do as far as celebrating my return, etc. We decided on waiting for the kitten I want. We'll just wait until later on that... Maybe I'll end up bringing Shelbi home with us. We'll see I suppose.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

As of Lately.

Watch has been totally boring lately. Although, I've been able to get a lot of my Watch Supervisor qualifications done. It makes me look pretty good to my supervisor and watch officer. My mom is still recovering from her surgery. It worries me. I want her to be better. Jen dislocated her thumb the other day on the boats. But, some good things that happened! I got the place for sure. Ramadan is almost over which means i can start going to the pool again and get my tan back. I'm trying to decide whether I'd rather have white or tan skin. I guess the choice is mine really. I don't wanna look like a raisin when I get older. So maybe I should embrace my white skin. Sean's been back here for the last couple weeks, and in a week or two he'll be back again until he leaves for America again. GOSH! You don't realize the things you miss about America until you leave.

  1. My Blackberry (Texting, Talking, Emailing, EVERYTHING)
  2. Cuddling, Kissing, and Hugging my fiance.
  3. Walking around and not feeling all hot and sweaty.
  4. Breathing FRESH air.
  5. Champagne Thursdays
  6. Restaurants (Really, I just miss good food.)
  7. Being girly. (Being able to go out, get my hair done, do my make-up every day.)
  8. Television.
  9. Sleeping in a COMFY bed.
  10. PRIVACY.
  11. Not having to carry a gun everywhere I go.
  12. Having normal work hours.
  13. GOOD TV stations.
  14. Family and Friends.
  15. Being able to do what I want, when I want (for the most part).
Anyway, That's just a short list.
I miss home.

Monday, September 22, 2008

My Man

i get to see my man tonight! i'm excited!
umm, not much else is new.


Thursday, September 18, 2008


bought some purses for cheap. it probably shows, but i dont' care, they're cute:

Monday, September 15, 2008

Joy & Jen are STRANGERS.

We were super bored today!
we watched "THE STRANGERS!" it was scary, so we made masks.


it is soooo cool!
i bought a purple one.
i'm addicted.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008



my new place that i'm gonna move into!!! :)

Saturday, September 6, 2008