Monday, December 1, 2008

SO SOON! and yet, so not.

I'm going to work in a half hour. I found out that (HOPEFULLY) by the end of the week we should be relieved and not have to work anymore. All this means is that we'll have to do work here on packing up all of our things, going through customs, etc.
I can't wait to come home. Sean's been in a bad mood lately and I can't fix it.
I passed my watch supervisor board. So now I'm watch supervisor qualified, but the still have me sitting in a mount all day. BORING.
I bought Sean's Christmas gifts, but I hate waiting to give them to him, so he knows what they are. I even TRIED to keep one a secret but the put right on the outside of the box what it is. Sad. Oh well, I know he'll like them. We're pretty tight on money this year, so they aren't very big presents, just some things to keep my baby happy!

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